Thursday, November 26, 2009

Child Brain Injury Focus: Cerebral Palsy

One of the many types of child brain injuries we receive questions about is cerebral palsy.  A number of forms of the condition exist; cerebral palsy is simply and umbrella term that refers to a number of neurological disorders which result in abnormal movement.  Cerebral palsy can occur at various times in young children:

  • during pregnancy

  • during childbirth

  • or after birth, typically up to the age of three.

Commonly referred to as CP, the condition is caused by damage to the motor control centers in the child's developing brain.  According to the Mom Stress Relief website, almost 800,000 people in the U.S. live with CP, suffering problems ranging from mild to severe damage of the nervous system (the more brain damage that exists, the more severe the symptoms).  Although sometimes the symptoms may not be noticeable until the nervous system of the child becomes more developed, the most common symptoms reported are the following:

  • limited motor skills

  • seizures

  • difficulty swallowing

  • loss of hearing

  • speech impairment

  • skeletal deformities

  • learning disabilities (in extreme cases to the point of mental retardation)

  • and even  paralysis.

Often these symptoms occur due to the abnormal state of the muscles:  they are typically very relaxed or very stiff.  As a result, a child with cerebral palsy may hold his or her limbs in unusual positions, make jerky or abrupt (or sometimes slower) movements, and experience difficulty drinking, eating, or sucking.  Some CP victims may drool often or have trouble controlling their saliva, or they may aspirate food or drinks.  Children who suffer from the effects of cerebral palsy on only one side of the body may have shorter limbs on that side.

If your child has suffered a brain injury or has cerebral palsy, feel free to contact child brain injury attorney Chris Keane with your questions.  As a loving father and an advocate for injured children, he will answer your questions for free with compassion and regard for your unique situation. Click here to contact Chris Keane online or call 1-888-592-KIDS (1-888-592-5437).

1 comment:

  1. Cerebral palsy is a very serious medical condition and one should alert the doctor imediately if he suspects his infant might be suffering from it.
